Retrieving Client Licenses
To terminate a client SolidNetWork connection, a system administrator can stop the license and return it to the free license pool.
- The client must have been connected to the license manager for at least two minutes.
- You can configure the SolidNetWork timeout feature to be the 15-minute minimum. After 15 minutes of idle time, that license is returned to the free license pool.
For details, see SolidNetWork_License_Manager_install_dirDocsflexuserlicensingenduserguide.pdf.
- Click Start > Run, type cmd, and then click OK to open a Windows command window.
- In the command window, enter:
cd SolidNetWork_License_Manager_install_dirutils lmutil lmremove feature user computer display
where feature, user, computer, and display are the terms shown on the License Usage tab of the SolidNetWork License Manager.
For example:
lmutil lmremove solidworks carlos designcmp1 corpserver
You must terminate the license for each add-in product (PhotoView 360, FeatureWorks, etc.) separately.
Parent topic: SolidNetWork License Administration